Brette Sims
Brette Sims is a feminist illustrator, originally from Oakland, CA. She depicts women with bold, beautiful features, & strong fashion influences. She creates under the name #ARTBYBRETTE , she visualizes and creates artistic reflections of your own inner love, truth, growth, and presence.
Brette also owns a feminist art firm & lifestyle brand called: STUK DESIGNS (pronounced “stuck”, standing for: Strong, Talented, United, & Knowledgeable). STUK DESIGNS is her feminist art firm that specializes in branding influential power women or the companies they own, through the philosophy of placing self-love first!
- We Were Seeds
- Live Now
- Fight For Yourself
- Kaleidoscope Dreams
- Masks
Featured Artists

Justice 4 Tyranny
Digital Artist
Artwork reimagines and recreates stories of African heroism and oppression.

Abba Yahudah
painter & designer
I understand the therapeutic impact that vibrant colors can have on the human psyche.